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 湖北民本律师事务所(英文名称:HUBEI MINBEN LAW OFFICE)是依照《中华人民共和国律师法》的规定,经湖北省司法厅批准设立的法律服务机构。



 Hubei Minben Law Office is a legal service institution that was established in accordance with the provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Lawyers and approved by the Department of Justice of Hubei Province. Our firm is a young team that provides the best legal services. We believe in quality over quantity and strive to be the best rather than the biggest. Our team is comprised of highly educated and experienced lawyers who specialize in various areas of law, including criminal, administrative, civil, and economic matters.

 We pride ourselves on providing a full range of services to our clients. However, we also place a strong emphasis on specialization and focus. Our firm focuses on legal services such as corporate (enterprise) restructuring and asset reorganization, finance and securities, and international investment and trade. In addition, we prioritize non-litigation legal services while still conducting litigation business. We believe that the power of teamwork is essential in providing the best service to each client. Our team members work collaboratively to ensure that we deliver the highest quality legal services.

 Our firm has established a network with several renowned legal institutions across China. We have senior legal advisers, including the Deputy General Counsel of the China Centre for Legal Affairs, the former legal adviser to the United Nations of China, the legal adviser to the Chinese Ambassador for Disarmament, and Professor Wang Mingyi, a renowned lawyer. We are dedicated to serving the people, society, and enterprises. Our guiding ideology is people-based and enterprise-based. We believe that serving the people, society, and enterprises is our life point and service focus. At Hubei Minben Law Office, we are committed to providing exceptional legal services that meet the needs of our clients.